Make money with eBooks

You know how you hear everyone talking about the Amazon Kindle – and see so many with them now adays – well  wouldn’t it be nice to be able to get your ebooks on there for others to read????? On I know what you are thinking – me write an ebook – what do I have that others would want to read about.  Did you know that you can make money with ebooks?


Well let me tell you as that is what I thought when I first started writing and I have found that it’s amazing that people do want to learn – they want help – they are looking for people they can trust – just plain everyday people like you and me. They are looking for honest, down to earth people that have gotten in there and learn from our mistakes and are willing to help others NOT do what we did.


Most people that get to this point, I have found they change – it’s like they forget how they got started, how it felt when you got started and how confused that you were – and you just wished that you could run across someone that would tell you what you needed to hear and not what you wanted to hear or what they wanted to tell you to get your money.


Well, I love finding products that do just that and then sharing them with others and this is one of them – it’s called the ebook money machine. This step by step, 6 part video series, takes you by the hand and shows you how to quickly create your “Hot Selling” eBook, and publish it on Amazon Kindle within 30 days or less! This is a great deal and the best part is that is don’t cost an arm and leg.


So…with that said, grab this video series and learn how to start publishing quality ebooks onto Amazon Kindle today.


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Choose to Live

I want to tell you about a book that a friend of mine wrote and it’s not the normal book that you would expect to see or read – she wrote this for her son that took his life on January 16, 2007. Daniel wanted everyone to know not to waste your opportunity to live – he want you to choose to live.

When I first saw this video, I have to say that it gave me goose bumps listening to his story and why he wanted this book to be written – and I have to say that when I downloaded I just kept reading and reading. Any of you know me – reading puts me to sleep but not this one. 

The lessons in this story are just awesome and I hope that everyone gets a chance to read this book. If you want to learn about the real you – you have to read this book. I love the part when he speaks of taking your mind off what you are lacking and focus on what you have – so many people that I meet in life that is really they all know how to do – whine about what they don’t have instead of looking at what they do.

Another thing that I love was when he said that everyone is on this planet for a reason, find yours. You know that really made me think that it took me 50 some years to find my reason and it’s helping others – I feel so blessed that I have that opportunity, what is your reason? Did you find it yet?

You are also going to learn how to eat an elephant – that was just a great analogy and so true. Are you trying to save the save the world, then you need to read this book. Do you pay attention to how you breathe, then you need to read this book. That chapter was an eye-opener.

Ning social networking sites

Well once again I’m going to try and explain the Ning social Networking sites as I see so many struggling that are just starting in the internet marketing world and they have no clue how to socialize, network, write blogs, set up a profile, etc.  Ning social Networking sites have been around for awhile and there is a site for about every niche you can think of.

Years ago when I first started it was free to set up your own – and over the years Ning has gone to charging to do this but what they charge is worth it to me as I use my own Ning social networking site for a variety of things and if you have not had a chance to download my free report this will explain some of the things that I can do on my site.

Now the key here is that you set up your profile once and then when you join another site – you can have your favorite blog post, any discussions, video, profile info, etc. added very fast and opens up another whole world for you and new group of friends to start connecting with.

Now unlike facebook – there is no limit on the friends that you connect with and yes you can add things about you that you can’t add on facebook – is it as big as facebook – no – but I have to tell you I really think that the people are more targeted because they have joined a certain niche already.

It’s really not hard to set up a profile – click here to see mine and it won’t take you long to hear my favorite song – and this you will hear on all my profile pages no matter which NING social networking site that I join.  Now remember this is a SOCIAL platform – so don’t go hitting people up with your promos – add them to your profile and then just chit – chat with others – they will see it and when they are ready will ask you about it if interested.

So depending on your niche – just go to Google and start looking around and I bet you will find a NING site out there and if you just want to have some fun and say that YOU have a page on a celebrity’s site – well check my profile page on this site – I just found this by accident looking something else up on Google – I had my profile set up in 20 minutes – my profile, added pictured, added videos, and blog post – it’s just that easy people.

WOW I was looking for a picture to add to this post and was quite surprised when I Google this and found my social site on the front page of Google – Ning social site pictures – very interesting – so people you can get on the front of Google 🙂 – those are nice surprises and why we do what we do 🙂


Server Problems

Well as most of you know I had been experiencing server problems and that is why my blog was down for awhile and let me tell you I got an education on the techie side of things that I really was not looking for.  So I thought I’d share a few things that I found out why finding a good hosting site is so important.

Years ago, I started out with one of the free blogging sites and yea like most of you did not read the terms very close as I was just excited about getting my first post done.  Well after about 1.5 years of writing posts, getting followers – I woke up one day to find out that it was all gone – no notice – just shut down.

So any of you that are blogging on a free source, go read the  terms as these sites are designed to give people a way of blogging about non-business related things.  You are not allowed to post about anything that could possibly earn you money – and sooner or later they will catch you.  Most of the time how they catch you is someone reports you and with one click you are gone, shut down and no you don’t get a 2nd chance.

Well anyway after this happened to me – I went and got my own domain at Godaddy and while I was there saw what I thought was a deal at the time and signed up for a 5 – year plan on their hosting.  Well, it has been so – so up till recently and some of you have seen that my blog had been loading slow, sometimes it was hard to leave comments, etc.

For weeks I called Godaddy support (and the one things that irritated me is that their support number was not even toll free) and they kept checking thing and we’d try this and that.  They suggest that with the size that my blog was getting that there was a plugin they suggested that on my end would help optimize it better.

I installed this plugin and it would be better for a day of two and then same ole thing.  Well got up one day and tried to login to do a post and all I got was a white page grrrrrrrrrrrr – called support again and they said that they had done a patch on their server for the wp blogs and that as soon as I uploaded the upgrade my blog would be back up and going.

That is when the nitemare started – for some reason I (haha) was the only having issues with uploading this update – so again after many calls to support and 4 days of trying to add the update and then rolling back and trying again and rolling back and trying again – I had enough.

Now here is the good out of all this frustration – with all the sites I have I should have done this ages ago – but I now have my own and all my sites on one hosting site and they were so awesome to work with and answered any questions I had and walked me thru moving all them.

The lessons behind this post is that even as much as you try to make the right decisions with your business – it may not show up right away that it was not and the key is to not let situations like this get you to the point of throwing in the towel (and that did cross my mind but too stubborn for that lol) never, never give up – these bumps are just part of your journey.

What you do is look deep enough and find the good – the positive (getting my own server) out of these bumps and then move on.  Once again I will give you my favorite quotes – “It’s not what happens that really matters, but how you handle it will make all the difference.

Safe Website Check

Safe Website Check – how many of you do this when you are not sure about an URL that you have gotten from someone and don’t know if you should click on it or not. Well I’m going to share with you what I do when in doubt.

There are sites out there that you can put in the URL and they will tell you if it is or not – for all you people that have Norton – I don’t know if you are aware of not but they do have a site that you can check out an URL – now keep in mind – I have found that one will show bad on one and not another – so this is not 100%.

You do have to have a Norton account to use this one and here is the link – Norton Safe Web – now what happens at these sites – people just like you and I are the ones that can keep these sites more accurate – when you see a bad site add it so that the rest of know about it.

Under the Safety and Threats you will find an online Glossary explaining what Phishing Attacks, Spyware, Cybersquatting, and the list goes on for you that have never heard these terms.  It will also show the latest threats and latest reviews are there and on the Community Buzz page.

Another one is AVG Threat Labs – this site also lets you add your URL and will so a safe website check – what I mainly use these sites for is the shorten URLs and you really don’t know what is hiding behind that URL and don’t be afraid to use more than one as I have also found that one will say it’s safe and yet it’s a threat on another one.

Most of the virus protection companies offer this service and all you have to do is just type in Safe Website Check into Google and you will see all the ones there – I just keep these handy and if I have that question mark go off in my head – then I head to them and check the URL out.  Better to be safe and it don’t take that long to check them.



Sometimes you just have to pass these jewels along – hope you enjoy this mid-week laugh.

1.. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn’t (Gee, does that ever sound familiar)
2.. I don’t suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
3.. Some people are alive only because it’s illegal to kill them.
4.. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke .
5.. Don’t take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
6.. You’re just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
7.. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
8.. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe .
9.. I’m not a complete idiot — Some parts are missing.
10.. Out of my mind.  Back in five minutes
11.. NyQuil, the stuffy, sneezy, why-the-heck-is-the-room-spinning medicine.
12.. God must love stupid people; He made so many.
13.. The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
14.. Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.
15.. Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
16.. Being “over the hill” is much better than being under it!
17.. Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew up!!!!
18 Procrastinate Now!
19.. I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts;  Do You Want Fries With That?
20.. A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
21.. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance.
22.. Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!
23..They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken .
24 He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless DEAD.
25.. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three thousand times the memory.
26.. Ham and eggs…A day’s work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.
27.. The trouble with life is there’s no background music .
28.. The original point and click interface was a Smith & Wesson.
29.. I smile because I don’t know what the hell is going on.