10 Ways To Make More Money In Network Marketing

Network Marketing is an excellent way for the “average Joe or Jane” to make an extra income.  This business concept has been around for decades, and it will not disappear any time soon. The reason for its popularity is simple… It Works!  It does however, require lots of work and most importantly, dedication and persistence to get the job done.  The best part is, once you are able to set up a solid network, your business becomes MUCH less time intensive.  Almost like going on “autopilot”.  The key is to get there as fast as possible.


Here are just a couple of tips I have found to be helpful in maximizing your Network Marketing Business:

1. Use your products regularly.

This is Number 1 for a reason, this is the most ignored part of ANY network marketing business.  How do you expect your business to succeed if you will not even use your own products?  It does seem silly to even have to bring this up, but there are many who are not using their own products, and wonder why they are not making any money.  Make a commitment to use your products for a year, and see where your business goes.

2. Educate yourself constantly.

This is very important!  You must rid yourself of negative ideas, sometimes referred to as “stinkin thinkin”.  This can be done in a variety of ways.  I recommend reading at least 15 minutes a day, but try to shoot for 30.  Business and self-help books are a great way to start.  Don’t forget your Multi-level magazines, as they are full of tips and advice.  Lastly, listen to cassette tapes on multi-level tips from top earners in your business.

3.  Spend as much time as possible with your upline.

Your upline should have only one goal in mind, To Help You Succeed!  They are a vast source of knowledge and information.  Mingle with top distributors in your group, or other groups, and ask how they made it.  Most everyone should be more than happy to provide you with excellent tips and advice.

4. Present your products and marketing plan personally to at least one person daily.

Remember above when I said you are going to have to work, well here it is. Now here is the key, the prospects to whom you present your plan, do not have to be yours personally.  Show the plan for your downline, and not only will you create “security” by placing members in your downlines’ downline, it will also give you a boost in your personal income!   I can guarantee if you were to follow this rule for 6 months, you would create a downline with enough width and depth to create an income to sustain you and your family for life.

5.  Care for your downline.

An entire book can be written on this topic. Usually, it’s the little things that show you really care.  Try to maintain regular contact, and always praise your distributor’s accomplishments. You can even offer incentives for specific achievements, such as money, travel, recognition, or other rewards, to help motivate your group.

6.  Duplicate yourself by making distributors independent of you.

This will help to multiply your time, thus making you and your group more effective.  Always lead by example. Never stop recruiting, training and retailing.  Remember the KISS formula – “Keep It Simple, Sweety” I know, I know, I changed the last word, but it maintains the meaning.  This can be done my conducting simple, brief, yet dramatic presentations, and teaching your downline to do the same.

7. Create a large customer base.

This is another largely ignored, yet very important, piece of your network marketing business.  Many try so hard to build a huge downline, that they forget how much profit they could also make by selling their products to retail customers.  Some people will just not want to become part of your downline, no matter how great a product/system you may have.  This does not mean they will not be personally interested in your product.  Try to make everyone your customer.  Once you earn their trust, they will come to you more, and perhaps even join your downline later.  Always “leave the door open”, as people’s needs do change.

8.  Focus on your customers needs.

You must give customers more than they expect, and always satisfy your customers complaints immediately.  Try to listen 80% of the time, and talk only 20%.  As stated above, your customers can be a huge source of future referrals and/or business.  You must earn and maintain their trust.  Once you have their trust, you can always ask for referrals, which leads to even more business and a larger downline.

9.  Set daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals – and Write Them Down!

You may have heard the expression, “How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.”  Breaking up a larger goal into smaller easily attainable goals, is the key to success.  You cannot just jump to the end, you have to make progress everyday.  Writing them down is another largely ignored, important tip to help you succeed.  A goal is just a “passing thought”, or “wish” until you put it in writing.  That is when it becomes concrete and real.  It is also a great idea to keep a business journal of your daily activities, as it will help you to become more productive and time-conscious.

10.  Get Out There And Do It Now!
All of the knowledge in the world is useless and unprofitable, until you put the most important ingredient of them all in place.  This “secret” ingredient should come as no surprise at all, but this is the #1 reason for failure at anything in life.  It is ACTION!  Remember, knowledge is useless without action.
Following these steps will almost give you immediate results.  Thank you for reading this, and I truly hope this has provided you with valuable information to help you and your business grow and succeed.
What you waiting for??????  This is your kick in the A _ _ !

5 Proven Methods To Gain and Retain Customers for Your Online Business

Here is the basic rule of every business: you have to sell things to earn money. Salesmanship, or the art of closing a sales, therefore, is of ultimate importance for any business venture. After all, we can’t expect any earnings if we don’t make any sales.

Winning customers is essential for the success of your enterprise. And this is absolutely true for online businesses too. In fact, winning customers online has its pros and cons. The good news is that the entire world is your market, and you could potentially reach more people through the World Wide Web. The disadvantage? The Internet offers a more impersonal channel in our dealings with people, making it more difficult to gain their trust and favor.

So what can you to do then? Fear not, dear friend. As with everything else in life, you should try to accentuate the positives to compensate for the negatives. Here are 5 methods by which you could gain a good number of customers, and keep them for a long and profitable business for you and your family.

1. Always deliver quality goods or services.

There is no better vehicle for our business message than our products themselves. Consistently offering things that are more than worth our customers’ time and money will brand us as enterprises that are committed to quality products and services. This would only serve us well in future dealings with the same clients. Additionally, this would make our clients as advertising vehicles for our business as well, as they would spread the word about the excellence of our service to people belonging to their network.

2. Always try to over-deliver.

People love receiving more than what they paid for. If you consistently give them some extras, their minds would be conditioned to trust your business for future transactions.

3. Provide bonuses.

In addition to the product you’re selling, add some more goods that would perk up the package. Do this in a manner that you will make your customers aware of the value of the bonuses if they were otherwise purchased. This would definitely increase the worth of your product, and such would make it more favorable for a successful sale. Additionally, your bonuses would foster good will with your clients, and this could go a long, long way for future orders.

4. Build relationships.

The importance of building good relationships with your customers cannot be undermined. As we’ve discussed earlier, the Internet is a rather informal venue for personal dealings. So try to humanize your approach so that your customers can relate to you as someone who is more than just a business provider, but also as a friend.

5. Make use of a mailing list.

A mailing list is an Internet marketers number one weapon. By capturing the contact details of people who may not have been interested with their current offer, they will be able to condition the same people for future sales. And this could serve their businesses well for quite a long time, as one successful sale can beget another and another after that. So invest on an excellent autoresponder service and prepare those follow-up messages well. Take good care of your subscriber base, and they will take good care of your business in return.

Winning customers is more than just luck. It entails a lot of strategizing and good planning. Retaining customers involve the same level of commitment as well. In the highly competitive world of online marketing, trust plays an integral role in achieving our goals. Try your best to win your customers’ trust. Take care of it. And for sure, this trust would fuel good business for you for many years to come.

5 Ways To Boost Word Of Mouth With Your Website

Why you should focus on your word-of-mouth advertising.

One of the biggest reasons people don’t buy is lack of trust. Your product or service can be astounding, but if prospects don’t trust you, they won’t buy. A word-of-mouth referral comes with a high degree of trust compared to other advertising methods. The more trust your prospect has in you, the easier it is to sell.

So why not invest in your word of mouth advertising? Why not make it easier for people to refer you? Well this is where your web site comes in!

Here are 5 ways to use your web site to boost your word of mouth advertising:

1. Tell all your word-of-mouth advertisers about your web site.
Often, a business will either put up their web site for the first time or make significant updates and not tell anyone. People who can potentially refer you business ought to be aware of your web site. So when you put up a web site or make significant updates, let everyone know about it.

2. Get your web site on all your points of contact.
This will help spread the word about your web site. In addition to putting your web site name on brochures and business cards, put it on the not-so-obvious places like your emails, voice mail greeting, and customer receipts. The more times people hear about your web site, the more they will share it when telling people about you.

3. Put your referral program on your web site.
Having a page on your web site that explains your referral program will help others be more effective at sending leads your way. On this page, make it clear how to refer business to you and what kind of business you are looking for.

4. Put your special offers on your site.
Special offers are good for getting prospects to take action. They also can make referring people to you easier. For example, instead of saying, “My friend Joe is a plumber, he can help you,” a referrer can say, “My friend Joe is a plumber, go to his web site, and you can get 10% off!” After you put your offers on your web site, let the people who will refer you know about them.

5. Give free information on your web site.
Free information is a good way to make referring people to your web site easy to do. It can be as easy as saying, “Oh, go check out Jen’s web site. There’s a lot of good free advice there.” Everyone wants good free advice. Let everyone who may refer you business know about the free information on your web site.

Wouldn’t it be great if people who used to say, “Hey, my friend Ann is a graphic designer, umm, I have her card somewhere.” can now say, “Hey, my friend Ann is a graphic designer, visit her site at www.anndesign.com so you can get free design samples?”
In conclusion, use your web site to boost your word of mouth referrals. By doing so, you will attract prospects that have a higher degree of trust, and you will have an easier time closing sales.

Essentials For The Gardening Shed

The right tool can help make any job easier and the garden is no exception. More than 91 million households gardened in 2005, the most ever, according to the National Gardening Association. Gardening is an incredibly enjoyable activity, but if you don’t want to end up sore, blistered or itching, it’s important to be properly prepared before you begin.

Here are some essential items that I keep in my garden shed:

• Gardener’s First-Aid Kit-The most important thing in my shed is my first-aid kit for common garden emergencies including sunburn, bug bites, cuts, and poison ivy, oak or sumac. Every gardener I know dreads poison ivy because the itch can last for weeks. A tiny brush against one of these plants can cause a whole lot of itch, but it doesn’t have to with the help of one of my favorite products, Cortaid® Poison Ivy Care Treatment Kit. It can be used to defend against an outbreak, help to prevent spreading and treat an itchy reaction.

• Gardening Gloves-While I believe in getting my hands dirty, nothing beats a great pair of high-quality leather gardening gloves. The right gloves can protect hands from thorns, an unexpected bee or spider, sharp twigs or sticks and blistering.

• Shovels/Spade & Trowel-A good shovel is the difference between making your garden work easier and giving you a backache. Look for one with a long handle (to take pressure off of your back) and flat ledge, which creates a surface for your foot. A trowel is a must. Find one with a wide, curved blade that fits comfortably in your hand.

• Pruners-Pruning, deadheading (picking the dead flowers off of plants) and trimming plants goes on all year long. Look for “bypass” pruners that make a clean cut on the plant without crushing or tearing it.

• Wheelbarrows and Carts-Toting things around the garden can become a chore. Save yourself a backache and find a lightweight yet sturdy and steady cart to help with heavy work.

• Watering Essentials-A good hose has a 5/8-inch opening, is reinforced with a mesh layer and is kink resistant. It should handle 50 pounds per square inch of water pressure. Cost usually reflects quality, so spend the extra. For areas your hose can’t reach, invest in a sturdy watering can.

With tools like these, gardening will truly be a pleasure, so get out there and “Get Your Hands Dirty.”

Rebecca Kolls, a master gardener, is host of HGTV’s nationally syndicated gardening series “Rebecca’s Garden.”

Before digging in the garden, be sure you have the right tools.

Water Gardening Tips

There are many new trends surfacing in gardening, and water gardening is one of the capital new interests. Water gardening can be in the form of waterfalls, ponds, fountains, all of which can be enhanced by rock work combinations and lighting, plants, and fish. Water gardening doesn’t have to be a pond or natural water base either, it can consist of just a plastic tub, basically anything that can hold water.

When you decide what brand of aquatic plants you wish to have, remember that the plants should only cache around half of the water. Plants can be free floating, beneath, or sideward. Which you choose is all a matter of personal favoritism. Some plants are good for their perfume, some provide moreover oxygen than others and will keep the pool health, and pretty are just charming. Fish are not only delicate to look at but they are also absolutely beneficial. Fish help keep debris at a minimum and help in directing larva and more insects.

The most decisive thing to consider in water gardening is possibly the spot chosen. Since plants and fish both duty plenty of sunlight, places in direct bright elsewhere from trees and bushes is the greatest place. This will also help prevent leaves and debris from aggregating in the water.

Over the years, I have tell people if you are not sure that you will enjoy water gardening , then just test it – start out with a small one and see before digging and putting in a big pond – there is maintenance that has to be done – and you may not want to be doing that year after year.  This is the biggest mistake that I see people do – want the pond but not do the work there is afterwards.

Pre-formed containers come in all sizes and would recommend that this is where you start – the quickest to set up would to be buy a kit – with pump and fountain head included.  Even then I would still buy some floaters to throw on the top to help keep your water clean.  At least 50% of your surface should be covered is what I always tell people.

The newest trend is the pondless waterfalls – with these you can have the sound of waterfalls without the maintenance of the pond – here are some samples

Vegetable Gardening on hard clay

Vegetable gardening can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. Eating your own fresh vegetables picked straight off the plant or fresh from the ground with the real taste still intact beats store brought produce every time.

I know growing up as a child in North Carolina, we grew everything that you could think in our gardens – and I do miss some of the vegetables from that zone that we can grow upnorth – my favorite that I missed is Okra.  But where I am now it’s sandy soil but just across the river here in Wisconsin Rapids – they have clay soil and I hear all the horror stories that my gardening friends go thru so thought I’d give you a few pointer when you are trying to garden on hard clay.

Clay is one of the most difficult mediums to grow plants in. The particular mix is so fine that oxygen and water have a hard time getting to the roots of any plant. Hard as concrete in the dry and waterlogged in the rainy season. Without special preparation you will be lucky to even get weeds to grow.

To prepare the garden a maddock was used to break up the clay into smaller pieces. It is actually better to do this when the clay is dry, rather than waterlogged. Its just heavier when wet and sticks to the maddock. This is time consuming back breaking work. But take a small patch at a time and come back after a rest. Take several days to complete the vegetable patch, gardening is to help build the muscles, not destroy them. Whilst doing this task many times rock was hit, however most rock on the Gold Coast shatters when hit and breaks into smaller pieces. While many of these were removed pieces smaller than half the size of your fist were left in on the advice of garden manuals. Why? It is said that small rocks help drainage and add minerals to the soil over time. So long as the don’t make up more than 5%-10% of the soil, leave them in. Eventually a base of the patch was laid out.

To further soften and break up the clay store brought clay breakers were added. Easily available at your gardening or hardware store they are added to water and sprayed on the garden though they work best over a period of time.

Next Gypsum was added. This comes in large bags and is easy to spread out by hand, mix in with the clay and it too will further help ‘relax’ the clay.

Some would say, why not just buy a bunch of topsoil and dump it down. Well for a couple of reasons, you still would have a drainage problem at the root level.   Most just provide sand with a minimum of organic material mixed in – just enough to darken the sand. The sand is actually poor draining because it is much too fine. Some argue that you can help clay soil by adding sand. But unless the sand is a fine to small gravel I believe you are wasting your time. Sand that is too fine, acts just like a clay soil, it repells short spells of rain or irrigation or becomes waterlogged during a tropical downpoor or solid irrigation. The second reason why I don’t just buy the topsoil is because if the topsoil is not mixed in and bound to the subsoil it will just wash away.

To really bring the clay soil up to grade you need to add bio matter. Quality top soil is made of plant and animal materials decomposed or in the state of decomposing. Compost made of of shredded leaves, wood, grass clippings and vegetable/food rubbish is good. But the best material I had available for this garden was straw and chicken waste. With a pen of twenty chickens plenty of nitrogen rich matter was produced. Every three months the coup was cleaned out, the straw smelling strongly of ammonia. However once put on the garden the smell quickly went and the straw and its ‘added’ contents quickly broke down into the soil. I can recommend nothing better to add to the soil. If you must add something else to quickly create a topsoil and can’t wait for compost or have no chickens then I recommend products such as worm castings or 6 in one products (includes blood and bone, fish compost, etc), they come in 20kg plus bags and range in price between $5 and $15. Several of these, or if your budget handles it 10-20 of these really help to condition the soil.

Poor soil should not hold you back, it merely presents a challenge.  Some gardening friends have tackle the poor soil a different way with raised beds and actually I enjoy raised beds – to me I feel they are less work, can grow alot in smaller area and easy to work in.  Here are some pictures of raised beds and the higher one would be great way to be able to try vegetable gardening on hard clay.  Once the raised bed is made (many materials now adays to choose from) you can fill your bed with nice rich composted soil which here in our town you can get free from our local dump sites.   With raised beds like this you can put your crawling plants on the edge and let them trail over the side.

With the price of food going up this might be a year to grow your own vegetable.  You can garden no matter what soil you have  – good luck everyone.

6 Internet Marketing Myths

Every day thousands of people go online to make money but most of them fail miserably because they either truly believe one of the 6 Internet Marketing Myths or or all of them. You can read them below and discover the grain of salt in all of them.

Myth #1: Internet Marketing is EASY

This is probably the biggest myth of all, and let me tell you Internet marketing is hard, takes time, effort not mention money and anyone who suggests otherwise is trying to sell you a bunch of horse hockey. Granted that it’s comparatively easier to brick and mortar in that there’s no inventory to carry, no shipping of goods no sales staff and virtually no overhead, but a lot of work is still involved.

Myth #2: ANYONE Can Make Money Online

Folks, this is simply not true. Unless someone gets off their lazy boy recliner and download/read everything they can about internet marketing, and put an action plan in motion, they will never make a dime on the internet. DO NOTHING, MAKE NOTHING.

Myth #3: You Can “GET RICH QUICK” On the Net!

This is the trap that a lot of newbie internet marketers falls into including myself when I first started, why? because scammers make it sounds so easy and let me tell you, chasing “get rich quick scheme” is a WASTE OF TIME!, money and energy. It just won’t happen overnight, instead do some research and find out what people really want and need then give it to them especially a sense of reality.

Myth #4: It’s FREE to Do Business Online

This is one of my favorite myths because I believed it during my first year of internet marketing and it just wasn’t true then, it isn’t true today. Compared to opening your first coffee shop or gift shop in downtown Los Angeles, internet business start-up cost and maintenance cost is pretty low. Once you have your domain set up, you only pay for internet connection, advertising and ongoing educations, that’s it. You can’t expect to make money selling free stuff and ask others to do the same. Folks! it takes money to
make money.

Myth #5: It’s TOO LATE to Start an Internet Business

Most internet marketers would love to hear people say “It’s too late now, too many competitions, I should just pack my bags and go home, the internet is too complicated, etc…”. You know why? the less people they have to compete with the better which in turn will make them more money.

The fact is, it’s never ever too late to start anything and that includes internet business. I firmly believe that the internet is not going anywhere and you should too. Every year the stats will show you the number of people shopping
online are increasing, their spending dollars are growing and the number of people going online is increasing also.

Myth #6: The BIG Money Talk is JUST HYPE

As I’ve told you before, “it takes money to make money?” Well it’s true, although you will be hard pressed to find experienced internet marketers to tell how much they spend on promoting and advertising. Sometimes, you have to dig a little deeper to find the truth in every hype you read. It’s a fact that the people that makes alot of money online also spends alot of money on advertising, tools, resources and know how to get the job done.

If you are willing to take the necessary action to make ‘big money’ happen for you – it will. It takes time. You can criticize, be skeptical and sure that ‘big money’ can’t happen for you – and it won’t. Sit down and write a financial and a sound business plan.

If you believe that you will succeed you’re right, if you believe that it won’t work, you’re right also.

To summarize, you have heard people’s story how they’re making a fortune on the internet and how easy it is but the reality is some stories are NOT out of this world or unrealistic but it just doesn’t happen overnight. You just
have to apply a bit of common sense into it, find what you love to do, have a game plan, stay focus and you my friend might find the right opportunity to make all your dreams come true.