Why Google Search Should Be Your Best Friend

It’s really interesting how many times I run into people over and over again with all these questions and they are so stumped and don’t know where to find the answers.  Let me ask you something……….

What is the html code for adding a space between two pictures?

What is the definition of quadrangular?

Where are the top ski resorts?

How do you fix a syntax error?

Ok, by now you are wondering what is this crazy lady talking about and I have no idea the answers to all these questions.  There is ONE thing that they all have in common……...Google Search.

I have learned over the years that Google Search should be your best friend.  Let me tell you when I first started online – I thought that you could only type in A WORD – YEA – I SAID ONE WORD.   Oh this is so funny now that I think about it.

The other day someone asked me did I have the html code for adding a picture to their blog – so just out of curiosity I asked did she look for it on google and her answer was no didn’t know you could.

Then I was chatting with another friend and they were looking for a topic to write about and just felt that she was brain-dead as she couldn’t think of anything.  So our of curiosity again, I asked her had she tried Google Search – she goes for a Blog Post?????? You are kidding.

Well actually I wasn’t and I’ll tell you why.  I also draw a mental blank sometimes when I feel I need to get a post out on my blog – and because my passion is helping others – I just go to Google Search and type in help others and then I scan thru what comes up and this gets the juices flowing – positive attitude………how helping others can reduce stress…….increase your happiness by helping others………and the list goes on.

Another thing is when I get an error message – I just copy and paste that error message in Google Search and guess what………..I was NOT the only one with that question – that is how I squeak by with my unknown error messages.    Oops, let the cat out of the bag on that one that is call a GOLD Nugget by the way lolololol

What I have found over the years is don’t just put in one word – type in multiple words and phrases, the same way you do with your  keyword search phrases , or even type in your question – just like you was asking someone.

So the reason that I’m sharing all this is  I had a mentor tell me once – Nancy each time you learn something NEW that puts you being able to answer more questions for others and what will that do for you – that will help you brand yourself, show others that you are an expert.  Now don’t laugh at the word expert and it being used with yourself.  STOP and think – you may not know alot yet – but you do know more than the person that just started today, the one that will start tomorrow and just think how much more YOU will know than the person starting in a week, month, year from now.

These tips you will be able to share with someone someday – and I know this will happen IF you make Google Search YOUR BEST FRIEND.

Backlinks – what they are and why so important

Backlinks are simply a text link from another website to your website. Backlinks is how your rank on major search engines is determined.

Search engines figure if you have a lot of links coming from other websites to your website then your website must be more relevant. The more relevant a search engine thinks your site is… the better ranking you get.

There are some key things to keep in mind when creating your backlinks and these are what I use.

You want to make sure that you are creating a quality link – what is a quality link. A quality link comes from a site that has similiar subject matter, has been around for awhile and has a page ranking already.

Another thing that Google watches for with the backlinks is the popularity of your site – the freshness – that is why it’s important to keep new blog post out there.

What I do, as stated in earlier post – writing is really not my cup of tea – but when the moods hits – I will write multiple posts and then I schedule them to post every other day.

Also to help me, I jot down notes of things that I run across that would be good blog post so when I am in that wriiting mood – they just flow – believe me this works.

Don’t forget an important reason for backlinks is getting visitors to your site. If you have left a nice comment, people do click on your link to see what else you have to say.

I barely skimmed the surface here on backlinking but do like I do and make Google Search your best friend. Another tip that I have found when doing my keyword research – is to find blogs in the Google Search and add comments to those blogs – you get the idea – just takes action everyone.

How Does Google Search Really Work?

Ever once in awhile a title catches my eye and this is one of them and I just wanted to share with all of you this awesome blog post that I found.

Robin is a friend of mine from Facebook and she has really done an excellent job explaining what really happens when you put in your keyword, keyword phrases, etc. into Google. Take time to watch the video from an engineer from Google and I really think you will be amazed at what really happens behind the scenes.

How Does Google Search Really Work? by Robin Williams