How To Add Banners to Traffic Exchange Sites

Most sites ask for the image url (ends in .gif or .jpg.)


Don’t be confused by the wording on the different sites – just make sure you see the word “image” (this is the picture of the banner)

In addition, the site url is needed. This is where you want to direct the person who clicks on the banner.

Example: (this will take you to Hummingbird Hits)….the number at the end (1000) is my member number, yours will be different of course.

If you are unsure as to what your referral url is, go to your members area…promotional material…then just copy and paste to the site where you are adding the banner url. — I included this example as a website or blog. The easiest way to obtain this is to go to your site, copy from the browser and paste where you want to advertise.

Hopefully this helps clear up any confusion on adding banners to other sites. Should you still have questions, leave me a comment and I will be happy to try and explain further.

Does this sound like you?

After being on the net for several years now, there is one thing I have learned.  There is a lot to learn!  The majority of my experience has been through trial and error.  With emphasis on the latter…like many of you, I have had my share of ‘cons’and have lost thousands of dollars, trying to ‘make a buck’.

Since starting my own website and looking for places to advertise, I stumbled upon traffic exchanges.

Do they work?

Yes, a traffic exchange can be your best friend when trying to promote your website.

What is the purpose of a traffic exchange?

The key to traffic exchanges, (TE’s) is to build YOUR list and get people on YOUR list.

What is “branding”?

You want people to see YOU!  Over and over and over again (branding).  You want to have a page that will stand out to the surfer, make them want to take a second look!  Make them want to click on that page and find out more!

One way of accomplishing this “stand out” or “second look” is by experimenting with splash pages.  Splash Page Maker  is a program I use.  It allows you the creativity to easily make different splash pages so you can see what does and does not work.  (for those of you not familiar with the term ‘splash page’, just think of your website condensed onto one page – it’s an attention getter..splash pages also load much faster than a website on a traffic exchange.)

There are so many programs and ebooks being promoted, where do you start?

Two words ” Affiliate Funnel “.  Affiliate Funnel has many free resources for you to take advantage of. After becoming familiar with the site and information they offer I did upgrade in order to take advantage of the full benefit package.

Everyone can attend FREE seminars (free and upgraded members).  You can participate in these online seminars, just listen & learn, take notes, whatever you are comfortable with.  You will learn from experts the steps of creating an online income.

There is nothing quite as rewarding as implementing these steps and instructions and having it work!  Receiving an email informing you that you have a commission!!  Now, that’s an email worth reading.

One last thought……don’t try to do everything all at once!  Focus on one thing at a time, get it done…..then add another new thing, get it done…..before you know it, things begin to fall into place and you will begin to receive commission emails as well!

Don’t Give Up……To Your Success

What an awesome day today

You know, I dragged myself out of bed this morning so tired, back hurting, body aches……ever have one of those days????

Dealing with the public everyday, you have to put on a smile no matter how you really feel and all I could think this morning is “God, how am I going to put on my ‘so happy to see you’ smile today?”

Well, with coffee in hand, time to check emails….low and behold the answer to my question was right in front of me!

A member from one of my traffic exchanges was so excited and thankful for the assistance they had received.  New to traffic exchanges, never adding banners or familiar with a ‘banner url’ – I offered to make a banner which would represent the site they were promoting.  By doing this, it would allow them to not only promote on my site but other sites as well.

Not a major deal?  Certainly not, if you know how!  This is the fulfilling part of my online life.  One person, one lesson, growing and learning….such a small task and a few minutes of my time helping someone else.

Today, while checking my sites for updates, I noticed a couple of new banners needed to be approved.  Yep, you guessed it, the banners I made for my member.  Just then a smile swept over my face, “Thank You God”

This is why I continue doing what I’m doing.

To add to my blessings…….  I’ve been working with a couple, planning their new garden space.  They stopped by to tell me they are ready for me to let them know what to do next.  Their  “to do list” was quite extensive and to my surprise it was completed!!

So….no matter how bad your day begins, just listen and wait – your answer will come.

Continue doing all of the little things for others and learn to count your blessings.  They are there just waiting for you!