What an awesome day today

You know, I dragged myself out of bed this morning so tired, back hurting, body aches……ever have one of those days????

Dealing with the public everyday, you have to put on a smile no matter how you really feel and all I could think this morning is “God, how am I going to put on my ‘so happy to see you’ smile today?”

Well, with coffee in hand, time to check emails….low and behold the answer to my question was right in front of me!

A member from one of my traffic exchanges was so excited and thankful for the assistance they had received.  New to traffic exchanges, never adding banners or familiar with a ‘banner url’ – I offered to make a banner which would represent the site they were promoting.  By doing this, it would allow them to not only promote on my site but other sites as well.

Not a major deal?  Certainly not, if you know how!  This is the fulfilling part of my online life.  One person, one lesson, growing and learning….such a small task and a few minutes of my time helping someone else.

Today, while checking my sites for updates, I noticed a couple of new banners needed to be approved.  Yep, you guessed it, the banners I made for my member.  Just then a smile swept over my face, “Thank You God”

This is why I continue doing what I’m doing.

To add to my blessings…….  I’ve been working with a couple, planning their new garden space.  They stopped by to tell me they are ready for me to let them know what to do next.  Their  “to do list” was quite extensive and to my surprise it was completed!!

So….no matter how bad your day begins, just listen and wait – your answer will come.

Continue doing all of the little things for others and learn to count your blessings.  They are there just waiting for you!

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