Are YOU Teachable?

Life is full of lessons….starting from our childhood, when we are taught proper manners, right from wrong, good from bad, listen before you speak, don’t judge before you know the facts, and so on…..where does all this life education go as we evolve into adults?

It’s because we are teachable creatures – whether we think we are or not. We learn from our environment – and our environment tends to mold our thoughts and opinions, particularly as we grow older. This turns into your way of doing things BUT my question is that working for you?

Since my online journey, I have found out alot about myself and often see this in others. When I first started – my thinking was that – being an adult with an education – how hard can this be to get on here and find something to earn some money with.

Well, I stumbled upon a few things that made me money but it wasn’t until I admitted to myself that I needed to dig in and learn more – that it’s not as easy as you think when you first come online with all the getty up and go that you have – you will soon run into a brick wall.

When you finally do and you will – now either this is going to knock some sense into you and you are going to start to realize that what you have been doing is NOT working – well then you need you ask – are you teachable.

The other reason I come up with this thought as I find sooooooo many that say they want to learn, they need to know how to do this and that, and yes they want you to teach them the how to’s.

Okay, I am laying out the rant warning – yes, I have my opinion, but behind my opinion is a genuine passion for what I do and why I do it. If you want to take my passion and call it something else, then you are exact person this rant is aimed at.

I have seen a couple of people come and go from Family Networker in the past several months. Every single one has come to the Family claiming they are teachable. Yet, a few leave Family Networker stuck in their old habits, their old way of thinking – and we wish them well on their journey.

I have learned a lot in the past several months, and I know many of you have as well. If you are not one of those……WHY? Is it so hard to open your mind, take in another perspective of how to do things, and make an attempt to apply what you are taught – especially when you are faced with concrete evidence that it WORKS?!

I’m simply going to say this and move on with my day:  If you are truly teachable, and share in my genuine passion to become successful, then soak in as much of the Family Networker teaching plan as you are humanly able.  But………If you plan on coming into the Family, thinking you know it all, and are just curious- for whatever reason that may be – do us all a favor: Don’t waste our time or yours. Folks who make a joke out of our program detract from the time and effort we could be devoting to folks who genuinely need and want extra help.

I speak for myself here, but I would wager I speak for others as well – I am happy to spend hours helping someone if that means getting behind in my daily tasks. But nothing irritates me more than having to spend hours on someone who is causing drama and headaches because of their self-righteous attitudes and mindsets.

Make the most of Family Networker…..or make tracks and leave us in your rear view mirror. But always remember, we will be here when your journey crosses our path again.

18 thoughts on “Are YOU Teachable?

    • Thanks Gerry – sometimes we let our ego get in the way and I have seen that with a few – but you have to remember this is not about you and your ego – it’s about YOUR business and what YOU can do to help grow it so that it earns money

  1. Hi there Nancy, Well what is there to say i this comment. I know that I am happy here in family Networker.
    I know that I do not think I will ever see eye to eye with everyone. But anyone that says they get on with
    everyone all the time, is not really being truthful. At least I do not think they are. Anyway these are just my
    thoughts they are not here to upset others. Family networker is a great place. I hope that I am a teachable
    I am sure I am. As I am learning here for sure. It is a great place to learn and also to be able to show others.
    My I am going on again. I will stop.

    Kevan recently posted..Hello and all the best for 2011

    • Oh I agree totally Kevan – there are going to be people that you don’t get along with but for the sake of YOUR business you have to learn to deal with everyone on way or the other. Don’t you worry my friend, you have learned so much and have seen your growth – keep up the great work.

    • Thanks Robert and yes there are people that let their ego get in the way instead of focusing on their business and yes old dogs can learn new tricks – this old dog learns daily.

  2. Thank you for saying what needed to be said. So many people complain and want help, but then don’t apply what we teach. They expect to wave a magic wand and make tons of money, without doing a thing. It’s just absurd. Everyone wants to be guru’s, but does this narcissistic attitude really get you results and is it duplicable? We think not. We are a team, a family and we NEVER stop learning. Thank you Nancy for keeping it real and for what you offer to those who ARE teachable.
    Brian and Felicia White recently posted..Are You in the Twilight Zone When it Comes to Network Marketing

    • Oh I agree with you – until people realize that there is no magic wand, no big red easy button and get serious about learning what it takes to have a business on line – they are just hitting that brick wall. There are not going to get thru that wall or over it – till they change their thinking – it’s really that simple.

  3. Great post Nancy,

    I agree with you 100%, a lot of times many people seems to want to learn but don’t want to admit to their problem areas. It reminds me of that Big guy that is a great chef willing ito go into restaurants to help them iron out the problems and get them going again, only to come up against the owners who get upset when shown what they have been doing wrong. We have to be willing to receive the criticism along with the teaching when its giving Others it takes discipline and motivation if we want to learn we have to be willing to do what it takes to learn.

    Thanks for a great post

    Susie Moore
    skype smsforce
    susie moore recently posted..Can We Build Trust Online Part 3

    • oh great example Susie as I have seen that show and you are so right – and it does take hard work and a change in your thinking

  4. Great thoughts. There are many people who want to earn money but very few who really want to work at it. Ran into a few of these.

    You are right also in that it takes continual learning to get anywhere. I learn new things every day about internet marketing. The internet constantly changes so we must change also.

    Donna Meyer

    Skype: dgm47dgm
    Donna Meyer recently posted..Attitude

    • Thanks Donna and I also like you I learn daily – most of the time my poor brain feels on overload but I sure love what I’m learning and what I’m doing and that is what matters

  5. Wow Nancy, not only have you nailed this one right on the head but you are speaking with a posture and wisdom of a true leader. I’m very proud of you and how far you have come.

    You are so right, if people don’t change the ways that don’t work for them, they will never get where they want to be. Sometimes all it takes is a little 3% turn in another direction and the awareness of what’s being offered. People have to be open. Then there are the people that can’t get past their egos to see the truth.

    Roland Leveille recently posted..Consistency Is KEY In Your Online Business

    • Thanks Roland – people can’t take things so personal either – you have to learn from the things that happen in our life – both the good and bad – there are always lessons to learn. The key is never to give up and keep trying.

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