How I use Social Networking to help build my list.

The one question that I get asked more and more is how are you building so many friends on the social sites?  I hear it’s like you are a social magnet.  Well, the secret is very simple.

I don’t pitch anything to any of my friends – I just chat with them and I don’t make the conversations very long as I have so many now.  BUT I do answer all my messages from others – I figure if they took the time to message me then I am going to show them the respect to answer back.

Now it may take me 3 – 4 days to get to all of them but I do – I help others as much as I can and love what I’m doing.  I’m sure you are wondering how in the world can I be friends with so many and keep up with all of them – it’s simple – you don’t have to write a book to someone – you just have to answer them.

There is this social site that I am loving even more than facebook right now and it’s called Swom.  You are probably wondering why as facebook is the #1 social site.  Well, the reason is that most of the people that contact me on facebook is doing online marketing  – so by the time you  get to know someone it seems they are doing the same thing that you are lololol

So for that reason, I am having better luck with Swom as the people are much friendlier I feel and they aren’t there trying to shove things down your throat.  Oh don’t get me wrong, you can let others know what you are doing by adding your stuff to your profile BUT I don’t have everyone pitching me at this site.

Also, you get paid for doing all this – I know crazy huh?  Now there are alot of new sites out there doing this so don’t make the mistake and join more than you can handle as you will fail – you still need to get to know the people and you need to communicate back with them.

People are always adding me and the first thing that I do is look at their page and try to comment back to them about something on their page – why? one you have just caught their attention that you took the time to look at their page.  It can be as simple as I see that you are in the same program that I’m in (program xyz), how is this going for you.

Another approach that I use is if I see something I have in common with them then I like to send them a question about it – they have grandkids – ask how many? – they have pets – what kind – I have a golden lab.  This is how you build relationship and friends.

Now let’s get out there and make some friends, some online relationships – it can be done.  Look me up on Facebook
or Swom

13 thoughts on “How I use Social Networking to help build my list.

  1. Hey Nancy

    Great post Nancy. I definitely agree you need to take the time and show the respect to people. This is the key to your success on social media. Interaction!

    Keep up the great posts.


  2. Hmmmm…okey I got the idea…why did I not think of that…or am I a member of to many and do not have the time for each site? (Smile). I do forget to login and comment back, so no wonder why your friend list are longer then mine….great post.

  3. Thank you Nancy for sharing some of your secrets in making friends. Your “bubbling personality” and “your Heart of Compassion” wins them over every time. I am truly “Blessed” to be one of your many, many online friends.

  4. Good job on another good post about social networks. Social networks are a great place to reach massive amounts of people on a personal level and help gain popularity to your sites. Good job.

  5. Good Article, Nancy. I totally agree! Talk to people like they are your next door neighbor. Treat them with respect. Your writing is really coming along wonderfully.

  6. This is fantastic blog… I must agree with you here.. I must be ashamed when i first started trading on line .. it was all just push puts products URLs down peoples throat .. did this work, it hasn’t worked at all…

    I had to revise my dealing and my approach to people with my latest and greatest opportunity..

    Now I don’t even have website .. I just starting from begging .. use my social media to build up friendship..

    Next step would be to for me to create a information blog..

    That would make me me just an information provider..

    I will never be an opportunity pusher..

    The reason is simple nobody ever does business with stranger or enemy… would you?

    Nancy this great post.. all online opportunity peddlers should take note.. on how to create brand name for them self in 21st century..

    Vladimir Blagonic

    • Oh you are so right and I think we all were there at one time – sure wish someone had told me – that is why I’m trying to tell others NOT to make the mistakes that I did – thanks for stopping by and for your comment.

    • I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels but there has to be a time when enough is enough – just can’t do them all – but I really do enjoy Swom – have met some really nice people there

  7. Bravo!!!!! You understand very well and I use social sites all the time to build my business’s
    Another good point you made is that you have to make friends as I have always said.
    Take time to find out who they are and what they are interested in and want from life etc…

  8. Hi Nancy!

    Thanks for inviting me back to your Blog…it’s so nice seeing you again. 🙂

    I have heard of SWOM before, but never took a close look at all. Now, after reading your post, I definitely will!!

    Have a highly inspired day…your tribal friend Steven Suchar

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