Stop and Smell the Roses

Have you ever got into such a routine that you just keep doing the same thing day after day – well I realized that sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses.

No matter, if you are working online or offline – think about your life – get up in the AM, shower, coffee, breakfast, kids to school, work, lunch, taxi for kids, supper, homework, baths for kids, bed – sound familiar????????? Yea and you know how many years a person does that over and over and it gets to the point that it’s so routine that you don’t even think about HOW MUCH OF A RUT YOU ARE IN.

I’ll give you another example – weekend – sleep in, coffee, breakfast, clean the house, mow the lawn, catch the wash up, grocery shopping, taxi for the kids, order pizza, rent movie and veg out on the couch – hmmmmmmm been there did that- you??

Well, you are thinking how can I change it – I have kids, family, job, house/yard work etc. – well here is what I have learned. You really don’t have to stop doing those things – here is all you have to do – BREAK FREE FROM THE SAME OLE SAME OLE

And NOOOOOOOOOO it don’t have to cost you an arm and leg – you just have to STOP – PAUSE and really pay ATTENTION to things around you.

This is what I mean………this last week with the birds migrating south, I had a flock of Robins stop off at my pondless waterfall (and for everyone that don’t have a clue what I’m talking about here is a picture)

Well, I was doing my daily routine and got up from the computer and went to get something to drink when I looked out saw these Robins just jumping in my little pools and just having a blast splashing around. I wound up watching them carry on like this for 10 minutes – each taking their turn. This is an example of STOP and smell the roses as the saying go.

The reason being – that 10 minutes that day is stored in my memory and as we go along in life – it’s these memories is what we all have. So everyone, stop and smell the roses and make all the memories that you can – someday you really be glad that you did.