6 Internet Marketing Myths

Every day thousands of people go online to make money but most of them fail miserably because they either truly believe one of the 6 Internet Marketing Myths or or all of them. You can read them below and discover the grain of salt in all of them.

Myth #1: Internet Marketing is EASY

This is probably the biggest myth of all, and let me tell you Internet marketing is hard, takes time, effort not mention money and anyone who suggests otherwise is trying to sell you a bunch of horse hockey. Granted that it’s comparatively easier to brick and mortar in that there’s no inventory to carry, no shipping of goods no sales staff and virtually no overhead, but a lot of work is still involved.

Myth #2: ANYONE Can Make Money Online

Folks, this is simply not true. Unless someone gets off their lazy boy recliner and download/read everything they can about internet marketing, and put an action plan in motion, they will never make a dime on the internet. DO NOTHING, MAKE NOTHING.

Myth #3: You Can “GET RICH QUICK” On the Net!

This is the trap that a lot of newbie internet marketers falls into including myself when I first started, why? because scammers make it sounds so easy and let me tell you, chasing “get rich quick scheme” is a WASTE OF TIME!, money and energy. It just won’t happen overnight, instead do some research and find out what people really want and need then give it to them especially a sense of reality.

Myth #4: It’s FREE to Do Business Online

This is one of my favorite myths because I believed it during my first year of internet marketing and it just wasn’t true then, it isn’t true today. Compared to opening your first coffee shop or gift shop in downtown Los Angeles, internet business start-up cost and maintenance cost is pretty low. Once you have your domain set up, you only pay for internet connection, advertising and ongoing educations, that’s it. You can’t expect to make money selling free stuff and ask others to do the same. Folks! it takes money to
make money.

Myth #5: It’s TOO LATE to Start an Internet Business

Most internet marketers would love to hear people say “It’s too late now, too many competitions, I should just pack my bags and go home, the internet is too complicated, etc…”. You know why? the less people they have to compete with the better which in turn will make them more money.

The fact is, it’s never ever too late to start anything and that includes internet business. I firmly believe that the internet is not going anywhere and you should too. Every year the stats will show you the number of people shopping
online are increasing, their spending dollars are growing and the number of people going online is increasing also.

Myth #6: The BIG Money Talk is JUST HYPE

As I’ve told you before, “it takes money to make money?” Well it’s true, although you will be hard pressed to find experienced internet marketers to tell how much they spend on promoting and advertising. Sometimes, you have to dig a little deeper to find the truth in every hype you read. It’s a fact that the people that makes alot of money online also spends alot of money on advertising, tools, resources and know how to get the job done.

If you are willing to take the necessary action to make ‘big money’ happen for you – it will. It takes time. You can criticize, be skeptical and sure that ‘big money’ can’t happen for you – and it won’t. Sit down and write a financial and a sound business plan.

If you believe that you will succeed you’re right, if you believe that it won’t work, you’re right also.

To summarize, you have heard people’s story how they’re making a fortune on the internet and how easy it is but the reality is some stories are NOT out of this world or unrealistic but it just doesn’t happen overnight. You just
have to apply a bit of common sense into it, find what you love to do, have a game plan, stay focus and you my friend might find the right opportunity to make all your dreams come true.

14 thoughts on “6 Internet Marketing Myths

  1. Wow, awesome post, all the above are certain myths unfortunately many people fall victims of. I see many on the get rich believing pathway. LOl unless you are just won the lottery or receive a inheritance. It takes money, work and determination to earn online.

    Thanks for a great post

    susie moore
    skype smsforce

    • You are so right Susie and I know I’m not going to win the lottery as you have to buy a ticket and I don’t lolol

  2. Definitely words of wisdom! It’s a shame so many have to find out the hard way. As the late, great Jim Rohn said: “If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.”

    Jolynn Moss
    skype: jolynn.moss

  3. Hi there Nancy thank you for another great post, There is a lot of myths as you say out there in the internet.
    I and sure that the truth is there some where as well. So as for my 2 cents worth. If you think it is going to happen that you are going to make loads of money. by doing next to nothing. You can think again for sure. As it is going to take hard work. Plus there is a lot to learn as well. But I do have an answer as well.
    It is two fold really. One Never give up. Two make sure you have a lot of friends to help you and that you can help along the way as well.


  4. Great post Nancy. Myths are as old as time and yes, you need to sift through thoughts and ideas to know what’s true and what’s just not.

    Very well written by the way.


    • Yes it and it gets hard to tell what it true on here and what is not – always go to Google and research before you jump into anything

  5. Excellent post and very true. As a newbie in this business, I definitely found out the reality of owning an online business. Still, the work is fun and I feel it is worth it. Enjoyed your other posts, too.

    • Thanks Carol and you are right – I love working online but it’s not as easy as most think it is

  6. Another great post Nancy. It is so true what you said about the Internet business. People are always looking for the easy way to make money. In any business, offline or online, you must invest in yourself and your business. You must take action and consistent action to succeed. And finally you cannot do it alone, it takes a strong team effort. I think that is why Family Networker is so successful because it has all those qualities.

    • You are right Gerry – and what I even see is that people are not willing to reinvest in their business – they do initially with the set up cost but then they feel that it should runs itself now – but it don’t happen that way – to be successful it’s like you said you have to keep invest in yourself and your business otherwise it and you become stale

  7. Hi Nancy,

    I love this post and I have to admit I fell for a few of them in the beginning and I have since found out that it does take a lot of hard work to succeed. Now, thanks to Susie Moore (she introduced me to You and Craig Caron) and Family Networker, I am on the right path to being a successful Internet Marketer.

    Jon Benton
    Skype Me – soonerdad3

    • Oh I think we all have fell for most of these in the beginning and that is why I am trying to get the word out – so others don’t make those same costly mistakes. If I can stop ONE person then it was worth it to me to have written the post.

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