You sure can learn from your dog

You know it’s kinda interesting how we take our pets for granted sometimes and actually if we just open our eyes we as humans could learn alot from them. You sure can learn from your dog and I have some examples to share with you as one happen just tonight.

It was dinner time and I was filling his dog dish when I dropped the dish and his food went all over and of course I was quick to go Sh__ but he just wags his tail and gave me that look like “it happens” Was he upset that his food went all over the floor – did he care that there might be some of his hair in the food – NOOOOOOOOO he just kept wagging his tail.

Well as I got down to pick up the spilled dog food, he came by me and gave me a kiss and was so pleased that he was going to be fed – and I just started laughing. If only we could be that way – just be thankful that we are going to eat today – yea it may not be what you had planned but the lesson here is that no matter what happens in life it’s how you handle it will make all the difference – we need to learn to go with the flow and make the best out of any situation.

He’s really funny at how well he has trained me and we think we are so smart. Ha Ha He paces back and forth from the patio door to my office door – till I get up and let him out to go potty and then he barks so lightly at the patio door when he’s done. Not once does he get upset because I didn’t jump up the first time he paced or first time he barked for me – he just patiently paces and gives me 2 – 3 minutes between barks. 🙂

You know the best part is he doesn’t get upset, when I get up to let him in or out – he is so happy and just wags his tail. How many times are you that happy when people don’t jump when you think they should jump? Or do you have the patience to wait till they are done doing what they are doing and give them time to do what you want?

When I go out line dancing and come back home, he’s always there to greet me and so happy to see me – he doesn’t drill me as to why I’m late, where have you been, how much money did you spend etc. – he’s just happy that I walked back in the door safe. How often are you just thankful that your mate walked in the door safe – that your kids came back home safe and you were thankful they did and just happy to see them?

Most of you know that I operate a gift shop out of my house and have people come here to visit – well if you watch him there is so much to learn. He can be laying out and when people come – he will go up to get petted and,  right away he can tell if the person is a dog lover or not.

He doesn’t get an attitude when everyone doesn’t like him or make a big deal about him, he just moves on and goes to lay out in the lawn. Now if he can sense that someone likes him, well he’s right there to get to know them – show them he can be trusted and that he likes them. There are going to be people that you come across in life – online and offline that you don’t like, they don’t like you, etc. – don’t get hurt feelings – just move on.

Here is the best one – believe me there are times that he’s not perfect, although he’s pretty close, and there are times that he gets me irritated and gets yelled at (as sometimes he really thinks that I should be playing with him when I have to be working). He took after me on this one and doesn’t understand the word “no” sometimes lololol. BUT you know what – he doesn’t hold a grudge – he just goes to lay down and the minute I look over at him – he’s all happy again.

Now wouldn’t this world be just a much better place if we just open our eyes and see that you sure can learn from your dog. For all of you that have pets or know someone that does, pay attention the next time you are around them – some of their great traits may rub off on you.

12 thoughts on “You sure can learn from your dog

  1. HI Nancy,

    What a wonderful post.

    Yes I do agree we can learn from our pets. They are a treasure to have. I am amazed at some of the character traits mine has. He follows me when I leave to go to another room and always knows when I am sick. One amazing thing is he knows when someone ies about to leave and starts barking. If we all go , he waits right by the sliding door until we come home. You are right , they do know who is a dog lover or not , haha.Pets have special traits about them and its neat to watch.

    susie moore
    skype smsforce
    susie moore recently posted..Can We Build Trust Online- Part II

    • Sometimes I think they know us better than we do because they keep life simple – we are the ones that complicate things

    • Yep are so right Lynn and ahhhhhhhh love Shoorah – quite a mix there but you’ll never find a more loving and caring friend as your dog if you will only let them

    • You are welcome Tammie – and you are right – the lessons are there it’s just what we do with them that will matter

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