Vlogs – Lights, Camera, Action

No that is not a misspelled word – I did mean to type Vlogs and I know you are wondering now what is she talking about and before you think I have completely lost my mind – let me explain and you might find that you like Vlogging.

Are you one of those people that just hate to set down to write a blog post, article etc. and then just have no clue what to write about or can’t put your words down but would feel more comfortable speaking what you want to say – well then Vlogging on a Vlog just might be what you have been looking for.

Vlogs are video blogs actually – instead of writing – you get in front of the video camera and speak your thoughts.  Now I have ran into quite a few over the years that just have that natural speaking voice, the have a knack of voicing their opinion very well and the camera don’t scare them.  So I think that something like Vlogs would be ideal for them.

In my opinion, I actually think that in the long run Vlogging would save you time as you can just set down, speak what you’d like to tell everyone and you’re done – you don’t have to worry about typing, misspelled words, punctuation, etc. – I actually wish I wasn’t so camera shy and maybe after researching and seeing other Vlogs – might be a goal to set for myself.

Depending on your niche, I could see where Vlogging would work great – remember that a Vlog is just a collection of videos that you have created.  If you have videos on youtube on marketing say as an example – then you could set up a Vlog on Marketing and put your videos on and you are set to go.

The other niche that I could see this working well for would be maybe golf – how about online tips on different golf swings and what better way than to make a video recording and then can monetize your blog with books from Amazon, other sites that offer golfing supplies (become an affiliate)

The best niche that comes to mind for Vlogging about would be a travel niche, vacations, etc. think about the visual and how the saying goes – a picture is worth a thousand words.   So all you people that are not camera shy – lights, camera, action – find a niche for yourself and start Vlogging.