Think BEFORE writing

If you are the author of  your own blog post, article, etc. then you have some control.  What I have been seeing is comments that are left to others – like on facebook and some of the other social sites.  And for heaven’s sake – don’t be putting a picture of you on there that you will regret later down the road.

Unfortunately, I see this with many young and old people even – and I talking to the parents and grandparents that put their nude kids baby pictures on here.  I have one question for you – when that nude baby of yours gets married someday and they have kids of their own – is this something that you are going to want them to see – their mom and dad all over for the whole world to see.

See back in our days, we shared pictures with close friends and then those pictures were  put away and not seen all over the world day after day.  The reason that I bringing this up is that I was chatting with a young gal the other day and it was heart-breaking to hear all the crap she had gone thru because of this – the sad thing is that even tho the family member had taken the pictures down – they had gone viral and were everywhere.

AND while I’m on this got a few more rants here – all you young people that think it’s cool showing how drunk you got at your last party or the other cute things that you are posting for the world to see – it maybe cute now BUT think about it – someday you will be older with kids of your own, and your kids will have kids – is this something you want them seeing?

I know it’s easy to get carried away in the moment as I have seen some pretty bad things also said in comments about others – just keep in mind those comments are there to stay FOREVER.  Forever is a long time – so please think before writing, think before posting, think before commenting, think before adding that picture …………….is what you are putting on here going to hurt someone you love someday??????????  THINK, THINK, THINK