Why YOU must do keyword research

For years and years I felt that you just write about anything and if people were interested they would find what you had to say. Well, you can try it that way or you can use this tool and make it easier for you to get targeted traffic to your post.

All you have to do is type in keyword research into google and then do your homework here. If you are using the wrong keywords, your potential customers/referrals or even the search engines may not be finding you – this is why Keyword Research is so important.

The first mistake that most (and I did also in the beginning) was that I thought I knew what people would be typing in to find me and I was putting in the right ones – well I soon discovered I just was not getting the traffic I was hoping for.

What I found out was that my keywords that I was choosing were so generic that my pages were getting lost in the shuffle – like on page 1067 of a million post for that word. That was another thing that I also was doing wrong was just using ONE word.

I’ll give you an example – gardening – if you google gardening you will see that there are 45,500,000 results for gardening – do you think your site or post will be found in that????????

Even with this post – I typed in keyword research and there were 366,000 but by adding the word why in my keyword research – the numbers narrowed to 532 – now where do you think my post is going to get a better chance of seeing.

Now I’m not saying that you should not use the more generic keywords also – but you should have a mix. Also there are companies out there that you have to pay to use but just start off with the free ones till you know what you are doing. Just go to google and type in free keyword research.

Go to my video at Keyword Research & Twitter
to learn more on keyword research.