Looks are Deceiving

There has been something going on lately and felt that I should share so that you can be aware of some of the things that does go on out in the internet world.  These all are things that have happened to me and how I learned to know looks are deceiving.

My first experience was when I first came online and was with a nice looking guy from Colorado – my first clue should have been nice looking guy (hehe) well anyway we chatted and supposedly got to know each other – we shared quite a bit of info and he use to write me poems and they were really nice – you know the kind a gals like hearing.

Well, in meantime, I also met another guy from Kansas City and same kind of info – divorced, one kid, looking for the love of his life, serious relationship, travels with his job etc.  Now here comes the interesting part and why looks are deceiving.  I was chatting with another friend one nite and we were looking for a picture for a project that we were working on at the time and lo and behold there was the picture of this guy from Colorado – hmmmmmmmmm

So that nite I asked for him to share more pictures of himself and he did – and then I went back to site where we were looking for the pictures and what did I find that you can buy a set of pictures of this guy lololol   So what do you think that this person behind the scene was doing.  There are many sites out there that you can buy actors and actresses pictures – sure makes it easy for people to set up fake accounts.

Needless to say I deleted this contact but here is the rest of the story – in the meantime the guy from Kansas City happened to be sending me some poems that he had been writing also and can you believe he was stupid enough to send me the same poem that the guy from Colorado had sent me.

Why am I tell all this – well I just wanted to make people aware that not people are not who they say they are.  There are people from other countries that hire guys and gals to pose and prey on you, build your trust and then something bad happens and they need your help – well your help is MONEY – so don’t fall for this.

Over, the years I have gotten so many of these fake contacts and their lingo is about the same – divorced or widowed, one child and works in another country and travels alot.  Now here is a quick way to find out if you should even consider chatting with them is ask to see some family pictures – pictures of his kid and him or her together – this is usually where they run into problems as they have plenty of pictures of themselves and pictures of their so called kid but none of them are together.

Now, this don’t only happen with personal profiles but I ran into a situation on Facebook the other day – met a gal from the UK and she was a vp from GMC – well we were messaging each other and she offer me a part-time job and gave me a link and to send in my resume to the PR dept and use her name as a reference.

Well, here is the funny part – this just sounded too good to be true and trust your gut instinct people – the job that I was being offered had an official site online – well to most it would have been – but there were some key things that popped out at me and I went and got Craig (my detective) and he confirmed my suspicions.

Now since then, I have messaged this person back calling them on their bluff and their fake site and I find it funny that the person is no longer on Facebook – they have just disappeared.  The bad thing about it is – is the person that contacted me was a real name and some of the info about her was true when we she was looked up on Google  – so just wanted to make all of you aware – looks are deceiving and you have to be on your toes at all time as there are many out there just trying to come up with ways to con you.

16 thoughts on “Looks are Deceiving

  1. Hi there Nancy, Thank you for the post and yes you just can never tell for sure who or what is correct.
    At least not to start with, over time then I am sure most can see which ones are truthful, honest etc.
    But some times thinks move so quick that it is a jod to tell is it not. So I agree there take things slow.
    Do remember to do some checking. And over all I think most of the time things will be fine.
    But of course there is always exceptions to the rule so be careful out there my friend.

    Kevan recently posted..Part 3 of the Daffodil Principle

  2. Thanks Nancy!

    This is an important post about how the scammers try to come up with new dirty tricks all the time to decieve us and we have to disclose them.One thing is in common with different fraudelent sites, namely that it sounds too good to be true and when you do some research on them the truth discloses them in its light.

  3. I have seen this too many times and you are so right Nancy. The Internet is rife with this sort of thing and it is wise to be careful and make sure you know who you are working with at all times. Thanks for a great post.

    • Yes it’s out there all the time – if these people put as much effort into earning real money – would benefit them more in the long run but too many out there for the quick buck

  4. Hey there Nancy, I totally agree, we have to really step up the beat and observe more closely and carefully what we are reading and seeing. Its really scary to think of who you may be actually speaking to at times. I have heard this some time back that the photos you may be looking at isnt at all who you may think. You can indeed purchase photos to use making you think that is that person in fact it isnt.

    Thanks for sharing

    Susie Moore
    skype smsforce
    susie moore recently posted..Dealing with Negative Reviews

  5. This is very funny I am working on a blog along the same lines. There was a guy on face book that was trying to promote his “Business” and had posted a note saying all this stuff that his business wasn’t wasn’t a network marketing, or MLM and when I reaffirmed that Beachbody didn’t fit into his concept of MLM or how his business looked shady. He deleted me from his friends lists, deleted the note saying what his business wasn’t(not once saying what it was) and when I pushed the issue his profile disappeared as well.
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    • Well hopefully if enough people see these things they will be educated enough to do their homework before trusting everything they see on here or everybody they meet on here

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